Warsaw Dental Center dental clinic – Diagnostic equipment

Lekarz dent. Urszula Leończak objaśniająca stan uzębienia pacjentki na podstawie pantomogramu.
Lekarz dent. Urszula Leończak objaśniająca stan uzębienia pacjentki na podstawie pantomogramu.

Dentist Urszula Leończak  explaining the condition of the patient’s teeth based on a panoramic radiograph.

A visit to a dental clinic offers much greater opportunities than in a regular or smaller dental office.
At Warsaw Dental Center, we give patients access to very advanced diagnostic technologies, top-class devices and precise equipment that very few dental clinics in Warsaw have.

What sets us apart is the ability to test the face bow.
This is a very specialized diagnostic test that is performed before comprehensive treatment begins.
Why is facial bow examination so important – because this examination shows the spatial relationship of the teeth to the elements of the skull and temporomandibular joints.

It is worth mentioning that the equipment available in our clinic meets the highest technical standards and is operated by trained staff.
The accuracy of the equipment has been confirmed by numerous certificates.

Detailed information about devices and equipment used in diagnosis and treatment can be found in the tabs of individual specializations: prosthetics, implantology, dental surgery, periodontology, endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, orthognathics.

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