Frequently asked questions and our answers.

Here you can get answers to the questions we are most frequently asked.
If there is anything else you would like to ask, please contact us, we are here to help.

Of course, here are sample questions and answers for a dental clinic FAQ:

1. Question: What are the clinic's opening hours?
Answer: Our clinic is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m
2. Question: How can I make an appointment?
Answer: To make an appointment, you can call us on 48 22 542 18 04 or make an appointment online via our website.
3. Question: Do you accept new patients?
Answer: Yes, we are always happy to accept new patients. Please contact us to arrange a visit.
4. Question: What forms of payment are accepted?
Answer: We accept cash, credit/debit cards and online banking. We also accept the Medirata financing system, please contact the reception for more information.
5. Question: What aesthetic services do you offer?
Answer: We can improve the aesthetics through various methods, such as orthodontic treatment, prosthetics, composite restorations and whitening.
6. Question: Do visits start on time?
Answer: We make every effort to ensure that visits start on time. Therefore, we invite you for your first visit 10 minutes earlier to complete the necessary documents.
7. Question: How often should I go for dental checkups?
Answer: We recommend regular visits at least every six months unless your dentist recommends otherwise based on your individual oral health assessment.
8. Question: Does the clinic offer dental services for children?
Answer: Yes, we offer a full range of dental care for children of all ages.
9. Question: What if my filling or crown falls out?
Answer: If your filling or crown falls out, please contact us as soon as possible so we can schedule an appointmen. In the meantime, avoid eating on the side where the damage occurred.
10. Question: Do you offer cosmetic dentistry services?
Answer: Yes, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth whitening, veneers, crowns and bridges, as well as smile correction.
11. Question: What are your recommendations for oral hygiene between visits?
Answer: We recommend brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day, using dental floss once a day and regularly rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. Our qualified hygienists will teach you how to properly care for your teeth at home and will help you choose the right toothbrushes, pastes, dental flosses and other devices.
12. Question: What should I do if I have a wisdom tooth that is causing pain?
Answer: If your wisdom tooth is causing pain, please contact us as soon as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to have a tooth removed.
13. Question: Do you offer teeth whitening?
Answer: Yes, we offer professional teeth whitening in our clinic. Please contact us for detailed information.
14. Question: Do you offer financing plans for expensive procedures?
Answer: Yes, we offer a variety of financing options to help our patients receive the best dental care possible.
15. Question: Does the clinic have access to modern technology and equipment?
Answer: Yes, our clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and technology to provide our patients with the highest quality of care.
16. Question: What procedures do you use for patients with dental fear?
Answer: We understand that some patients may feel anxious about visiting the dentist. We offer various methods, such as general anesthesia, which are always preceded by a consultation with a dentist and an anesthesiologist to help patients feel as comfortable as possible during their visit.
17. Question: Can I listen to music or podcasts on my headset during my visit?
Answer: Yes, you can definitely bring your music. We want you feel as comfortable as possible during your visit. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that our offices are equipped with TVs, so we can also turn on your favorite music or movie to create an even more pleasant atmosphere.

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