Is it possible to undergo dental treatment without feeling pain?
Many people associate dental procedures with anxiety, discomfort, and long periods spent in the dental chair.
However, with the use of anesthesia, it doesn’t have to be this way. The use of anesthesia in the dental office significantly reduces the fear associated with treatment and eliminates the pain accompanying the procedure.
Our clinic offers the option of undergoing treatment under general anesthesia, ensuring the patient full comfort and peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Step 1: Consultation
The first visit is used to assess the patient’s health and discuss the treatment plan.
Step 2: Examinations
Before the procedure, the patient undergoes necessary examinations to ensure the safety of anesthesia.
Step 3: Preparation
The patient receives instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, including pre-anesthetic procedures.
Step 4: Procedure
Under the supervision of an anesthesiologist, the patient is anesthetized, and then the dentist performs the planned procedures.
Step 5: Awakening and Observation
After the treatment, the patient gradually wakes up from anesthesia and remains under observation until fully recovered.
Step 6: Postoperative Instructions
Before leaving the clinic, the patient receives instructions on postoperative care and schedules a follow-up appointment.
At Warsaw Dental Center, we ensure that each stage of treatment is safe and comfortable for the patient, providing effective results.
Dental treatment under anesthesia is particularly recommended for people suffering from severe dental anxiety, children, individuals with disabilities, and patients requiring complex dental procedures.
Yes, with all safety procedures in place and under the supervision of an experienced anesthesiologist, dental treatment under anesthesia is a safe method. At Warsaw Dental Center, we ensure that all medical standards are strictly followed.
Before the procedure, you will receive detailed instructions from us regarding preparation, which may include dietary recommendations, discontinuation of certain medications, and information on how long before the procedure you should refrain from eating and drinking.
Warsaw Dental Center Leończak Sp.k.
NIP: 1182180875