White diet after teeth whitening? Special offer of WDC and Zielony Tomato catering!

With the comfort of our patients in mind and the pursuit of the highest standard of services, we present a special offer – dietary catering from Zielone Tomato, adapted to medical recommendations.
Warsaw Dental Center patients can count on an attractive discount.

Do you want to find out what teeth whitening is and why it is worth choosing?
We asked Dr. Bartosz Leończak about it.

The key to oral health is proper hygiene and regular dental checkups at least every six months.
Plaque that settles on teeth turns into tartar in just 48 hours.
It not only poses a threat to health, but also disturbs the aesthetics of our smile, manifesting itself as a brown coating, especially on the inside of the teeth.
Tartar damages the enamel, leads to unpleasant breath odor and can cause many serious diseases.
At Warsaw Dental Center, a team of experienced hygienists begin to remove this coating.
Preventive cleaning is the first step in caring for your oral health, while whitening can give your teeth a fresh shine.
As a complement, we offer a whitening treatment with the PHILIPS ZOOM lamp – it is one of the most advanced solutions in this field, which ensures excellent results.

“The whitening procedure involves the use of a special gel with hydrogen peroxide, which is activated with a lamp. The treatment lasts a maximum of 45 minutes and consists of four 15-minute sessions. It is carried out under the strict supervision of a dentist. As part of the treatment, each patient receives
We provide a special gel and overlays to be used for the next 7 days to make the effect even more noticeable,” explains Dr. Bartosz Leończak.

Take advantage of the catering offer from Zielony Tomato today!

More information can be found at: zielonapomidor.eu

A 10% discount is provided for all Warsaw Dental Center patients.

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