A 65-year-old patient, asked during his first visit about his dream treatment result, replied: to regain his natural smile. The front teeth, although permanent, were for years covered with composite on both sides. Leaking restorations, as well as occlusal instabilities (uneven contacts causing overload), loosening and crumbling crowns in the lateral sections – these were the problems the 65-year-old struggled with on a daily basis.
After a thorough analysis by a team of Warsaw Dental Center experts, a project was created and presented to the patient. The doctor, the patient and the prosthetic technician, taking into account their comments, developed a target design for the shape of the new teeth. The patient also complained of troublesome headaches. He couldn’t pinpoint the cause, so the doctors decided to include splint therapy in the treatment. Then, endodontic and surgical procedures began. Implants were placed in the lateral sections.
Crowns and veneers were placed on the front teeth (the very damaged ones). In the side sections, crowns are used, the shape of which was determined in consultation with the patient, in accordance with medical practice. During the last visit, the patient received a splint, which he must wear at night to make the treatment effect even more stable and lasting.