Warsaw Dental Center in Elle Polska!

Warsaw Dental Center w Elle Polska!
Warsaw Dental Center w Elle Polska!

ELLE magazine published an interview with Dr. Urszula Leóńczak and Bartosz Leończak about anesthesia.Why is it worth choosing?It happens that treatment of several teeth is necessary, requiring a quick response from doctors of various specialties.
“In such situations or when the patient is afraid of local anesthesia, it is worth using treatment under anesthesia,” says Dr. Urszula Leończak from Warsaw Dental Center. This solution will also work well if the patient suffers from dental phobia, i.e. fear of visiting the dentist.Specialists from WDC talk in ELLE about why it is worth choosing treatment under anesthesia! Link to the text available here: https://www.elle.pl/artykul/boisz-sie-dentysty-wylecz-zeby-w-narkozie fbclid=PAAaZCfqhXxTgm_Hp3n_DfiO0TDQta1KR__Db8ZZavRwvHlfPpB9MmaDOTrd0

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