Photographic documentation at the dentist

Photographic documentation is one of the elements of a visit to Warsaw Dental Center.
Why is it so important? We ask our dental technician, Karolina Krause, about it.

Creating professional photographic documentation for medical purposes is a standard in our daily work.

We perform various types of sessions, depending on their purpose – we have standard portfolios, as well as those for orthodontic or prosthetic treatment.

This allows us to keep a detailed history of the patient’s treatment based not only on descriptions, but also on an objective criterion, which is photos that have not been subject to graphic manipulation.

They make it easier to explain many medical issues and discuss treatment options.
This affects the sense of security and makes it easier for our patients to make informed decisions.

The photos, in addition to recording progress in treatment, are used to communicate with prosthetic laboratories. This means that sometimes, in addition to intraoral photos, we also take portraits.
They are essential in the process of designing a new smile in harmony with the patient’s facial features and in accordance with his expectations.

The effects of work based on a photographic protocol allow the doctor and the patient to fully see the effects of the smile metamorphosis.

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