Doctor Urszula Leończak in the eyes of her colleagues

Newsy Warsaw Dental Center: Klinika Stomatologiczna - Warszawa

Opinions about doctor Urszula Leończak among her colleagues

Empathetic, professional, always smiling – this is Dr. Urszula Leończak, specializing in root canal treatment at the Warsaw Dental Center.

Doctor Leończak is a graduate of the Warsaw Medical Academy. After graduating, she continued her scientific development at the International University of Catalonia in Barcelona. In 2018, she obtained the title of Master of Endodontics (Msc.). He conducts professional training in the field of endodontics for doctors from both Poland and abroad. For her, it is important to fully understand the approach to patients. He values ​​professionalism in his work and constantly improves his skills by participating in national and international training in cities such as Berlin, Brussels, Spain and Guatemala.

How do her close colleagues describe Dr. Leończak?

Karolina, dental technician: “Dr. Urszula Leończak knows practically everything in the field of endodontics, and no cases are too difficult for her. Patients and our staff appreciate her extraordinary speed and organization of work. She is an excellent practicing doctor, but also a great teacher who conveys other doctors provide extremely valuable knowledge and skills to work at the highest level. By entrusting yourself to her care, you can be sure of an accurate diagnosis and world-class treatment.”

Agnieszka, receptionist: “Dr. Urszula is a unique specialist with extensive knowledge and experience. She has a friendly approach to both patients and staff. She is gentle and patient, and not only adults love her, but also children. Her smile and warm approach make her happy.
that working with her is pure pleasure.” Joanna, assistant: “She is the best in the field of root canal treatment – she will fix every tooth! She is fast, full of energy, but at the same time incredibly precise in what she does. A perfectionist in every detail.”

Monika, receptionist: “After visiting Dr. Urszula, everyone, even those who had the greate st father

fun before a visit to the dentist, he leaves the office with a smile on his face.
This is the greatest reward for her. I personally admire her accuracy, patience and vast knowledge.”

Klaudia, assist ant: “I remember our first day of work. I was very stressed. Doctor Urszula, with full understanding and a smile, told me: ‘Breathe’. She is a woman who deserves respect, but in relationships at work she cares for a nice,
friendly atmosphere and does not create distance. He works efficiently and effectively.”

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