Teeth whitening – the procedure is recommended by actress Joanna Kurowska

Newsy Warsaw Dental Center: Klinika Stomatologiczna - Warszawa

The teeth whitening procedure using the innovative Philips Zoom lamp is gaining great recognition among the clients of  Warsaw Dental Center.
“In one visit, we can safely lighten the color of your teeth by several shades,” says Dr. Bartosz Leończak.

The use of this lamp reduces the feeling of unpleasantness and pain that visitors to dental offices once complained about.
Now the whole process runs smoothly and the results last up to two years.
The treatment package also includes overlays that the patient uses with activating gel for the next seven days after the procedure.

Actor Joanna Kurowska decided to undergo a procedure with Dr. Tomasz Kuprys.
“I was afraid of the dentist in the past.
Now I sleep peacefully in his chair.
I feel confident and comfortable here, knowing that my health is in good hands,” he says convincingly.
“This is a modern clinic!” adds Kurowska with a smile.

Link to the original: Teeth whitening – a treatment recommended by actress Joanna Kurowska.

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