Modern implantology at Warsaw Dental Center

Chirurg Bartosz Leończak podczas zabiegu usuwania ósemki.
Chirurg Bartosz Leończak podczas zabiegu usuwania ósemki.

Surgeon Bartosz Leończak during the wisdom tooth removal procedure.

Modern technologies in implantology are becoming more and more popular.
They influence, above all, more effective treatment and shorter waiting time for results.

Warsaw Dental Center focuses on solving patients’ health challenges as best and as quickly as possible, combining tradition and modern techniques.

Who are dental implants suitable for?

For someone who is looking for a natural look, the ability to fully enjoy a smile and eat freely.
Properly selected, they are discreet, functional and aesthetic.
By taking care of them and undergoing regular check-ups, they will last for many years.

What does the implantation process look like in a modern dental clinic?

Specialist from Warsaw Dental Center, Dr.Bartosz Leończak shares information on this subject.

Modern imaging techniques, such as intraoral scanning, are key to appropriate planning and implementation of the procedure.
Using modern technologies, we can accurately assess the patient’s oral health and adapt the optimal treatment plan.

One of the most important diagnostic tools is the CBCT scan, which provides detailed images with minimal radiation to the patient.

Advanced software allows doctors to accurately and consciously place the implant.
Thanks to this, the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

Operating templates prepared by 3D printers enable accurate implant placement, ensuring safety and the best results.

The entire implantation process takes place in a pleasant atmosphere, and the patient can count on anesthesia adjusted to his needs.

We encourage you to make an appointment at the Warsaw Dental Center and receive treatment from Dr.Bartosz Leończak.

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