Karolina Krause on the specifics of the work of a dental technician

Newsy Warsaw Dental Center: Klinika Stomatologiczna - Warszawa

Below we present three important duties of a dental technician, discussed during an interview with expert Karolina Krausse:

1. The use of digital technologies in the preparation of prosthetic works.

Karolina specializes in the production of prostheses using CAD/CAM technology (computer-aided design and manufacturing).
Thanks to this innovative method, crowns and other prosthetic elements can be prepared for the patient in just two visits on the same day.
The technician creates a precise design of the future procedure on the computer, using scans provided by the prosthetist.
In addition, he selects the appropriate material and color, adapting them to the patient’s teeth.
The digital design is then transferred to a milling machine that cuts the work from the appropriate material.
The technician finalizes the work, giving the cut teeth their final appearance through microstructure and characterization using special masses and dyes.

2. Preparing Smile Design projects, i.e. simulations of patients’ future smile.

This advanced technique enables non-invasive analysis and visualization of what the patient will look like after a tooth lengthening, brightening or reshaping procedure.
It is a communication tool with the patient that allows you to focus on achieving the desired prosthetic effect.

3. Photography.

Photos are an invaluable tool enabling comparison of treatment results with the initial condition, as well as accurate reproduction of the color or characteristic features of the patient’s teeth.
Professional photographic documentation is treated as an objective way of monitoring treatment progress, therefore it plays a key role during visits to WDC (Warsaw Dental Center).

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