Root canal treatment is probably the most well-known procedure in dentistry, but also the most misunderstood. Many people consider it is ‘scary,’ but the truth is that it is an effective treatment aimed at relieving pain and saving the tooth. The cost of root canal treatment in Poland is affordable and it offers numerous benefits. The price of root canal treatment varies.
So, what is root canal treatment? It is the first method of treatment when a tooth becomes infected, usually involving the nerves in the tooth root. The infected nerves need to be removed.Untreated infection can lead to an abscess, which is a much more serious problem leading to tooth loss and bone loss in the jaw. This treatment is supported by the latest technology.
At Warsaw Dental Center, we have 3 microscopes from renowned companies Zeiss and Leica, which are essential for achieving long-term success in root canal treatment. Our endodontists also have access to 3D imaging, commonly known as computer tomography. Watch the video to learn more about root canal treatment. This allows them to see exactly what is happening with the tooth and plan the treatment accordingly. The combination of local anesthesia and appropriate pain relievers allows our team to perform effective, long-lasting, and painless root canal treatment. At Warsaw Dental Center, almost all root canal treatments are performed in one visit, saving our patients time, suffering, and costs. Understanding the side effects of root canal treatment can help alleviate concerns.
1. We will start the procedure by using a local anesthetic to ensure the treatment is painless.
2. The dentist will create an opening in the tooth crown, then access the canals to remove infected tissues, clean the canals, and seal them with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha.
3. We will complete the root canal treatment by placing a crown on the tooth, matched to its color, created directly in our office, in just a few hours.
We want you to enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile. When you need to treat decay or save a tooth, we will make every effort to ensure your root canal treatment is a positive, comfortable, and effective experience. Your smile is in good hands with us.
Your dentist is the best person to diagnose the need for root canal treatment, but a few symptoms to watch out for include:
1. Persistent tooth pain.
2. Sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
3. Pain in the bone around the tooth.
4. A cracked or chipped tooth (even small cracks can lead to infection and the need for root canal treatment).
Yes, root canal treatment is a proven way to stop infection and save teeth. Approximately 25 million root canal treatments are performed each year. There is no scientific evidence linking teeth that have had proper root canal treatment to diseases or problems with other organs.
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Warsaw Dental Center Leończak Sp.k.
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