Doctor Urszula Leończak is a guest of “The Day Is Coming” on TVP

Analyzes conducted by the Interactive Institute of Market Analyzes show that as many as half of Poles skip visits to the dentist due to… fear of them.
In the Polish ranking of fears, fear of the dentist is at a similar level to fear of divorce or job loss.
Often the cause is traumatic childhood memories.

In the broadcast “The Day Is Up”, Dr. Urszula Leończak from Warsaw Dental Center described innovative treatment techniques used in dentistry.
They allow you to shorten the duration of treatments, eliminate discomfort and make visits to the office less unpleasant.

We encourage you to read a fragment of the program with the participation of Dr. Urszula Leończak.
And people who still feel afraid of visiting the dentist are welcome to consult specialists from WDC.
It is possible that thanks to them you will change your perception of the dentist.


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