Crowns, Veneers and Dentures: How Prosthodontics Take Back Your Smile

dr Kopeć w trakcie leczenia pacjentki

dr Kopeć w trakcie leczenia pacjentki

What does dental prosthetics do?

Prosthetics, next to endodontics, surgery and orthodontics, is the main branch of dentistry. However, it cannot exist alone, so the prosthodontist works closely with an endodontist, surgeon, and also with a specialist in conservative dentistry. Prosthetics deals with the reconstruction and replacement of lost or damaged teeth. The prosthodontist also helps to achieve a stable occlusion and maintain proper bite.

What kind of reconstructions does the prosthetist perform?

  • porcelain veneer
  • a thin layer of porcelain permanently glued to the front surface of the tooth.
    Thanks to veneers, we permanently improve the appearance and color of teeth.
    Today’s technology allows for minimal or no tooth preparation for the veneer, which saves a significant part of the tooth structure.
  • a prosthetic crown rebuilds the above-gingival part of the tooth while preserving the root, it can be compared to a cap that surrounds and protects the tooth, crowns are used to rebuild teeth after root canal treatment or those with a very damaged structure
  • a prosthetic bridge is a set of crowns permanently connected to each other and attached to the patient’s own teeth, the bridge can rebuild from one to even three teeth, it is the solution of choice when implantation is not possible
  • crown on an implant, rebuilds the entire supragingival structure on the implant, which is implanted in the bone
  • removable dentures
  • skeleton, acrylic, complete and partial, they are less comfortable than permanent restorations, but sometimes they are the only available solution to the problem of missing teeth

What impact does prosthetics have on a patient’s life?

  • functionality thanks to the reconstruction of the lost part or even the entire tooth crown, we regain the comfort of chewing, speaking and maintaining proper oral hygiene
  • increase in self-confidence, the more beautiful and brighter the smile, the better self-esteem and confidence, crowns, veneers or even removable dentures will help restore high self-esteem
  • preventing oral health complications, missing teeth can lead to displacement
  • affecting those standing nearby, bruxism destroys both teeth and temporal joints
  • jaw, causing severe pain, prosthodontists at Warsaw Dental Center offer solutions to prevent these complications
  • holistic health, our body is a whole, damage to even one part of the body may have a negative impact on other organs.
    Prosthodontists at Warsaw Dental Center help positively influence the holistic health of our patients

We invite you to visit our prosthetics specialists at Topiel 11 in Warsaw’s Powiśle district

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