Bonding – a method of tooth reconstruction

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Bonding — metoda odbudowy zębów

Bonding – you know that this term is one of the most frequently searched terms by people interested in aesthetic dentistry.
We would like to tell you what exactly this procedure involves, through the statements of experts from Warsaw Dental Center.

Bonding: What exactly is it?

The term “bonding” comes from “bond”, i.e. the system that connects the composite to the tooth.
It is used to describe a method of minimally invasive aesthetic improvement.
In our dental clinic, Warsaw Dental Center, we offer bonding treatment for patients who want to solve minor problems, such as slight crookedness, rotation, asymmetry of the shape or color of teeth.
Before starting the procedure, our doctors conduct a thorough dental interview and examination to assess whether it is appropriate and how many teeth it will cover (it is important that bonding can be performed on a single tooth).
As a result of this approach, we can plan for the expected results.

Bonding Warsaw – how to prepare for the procedure

When assessing the condition of the teeth, we carefully remove any cavities, perform professional hygiene, and possibly whiten them in the office (although this is not necessary, it may be recommended).
Then, based on scans or impressions and photographic documentation, we create a design of the final work, known as “wax up”.
In the next visit, the patient has the opportunity to assess the so-called
“mock up”, i.e. a model presenting the design of the work.
This allows for any adjustments to achieve the expected results.

The further process includes the use of special composite injection splints, prepared based on the previous steps.
The dentist injects liquid composite into the area of ​​the tooth being rebuilt and then hardens it using UV rays emitted by a lamp.
The final step is a precise finishing that gives the restoration a natural shine.

The durability of the effect depends on your lifestyle and oral hygiene.
Typically, additions to vol

ego type persist for 3-5 years.
Regular check-ups, a proper diet and healthy chewing habits are important to maintain their durability.

How much does bonding cost?

Due to its price (starting from PLN 700 per tooth), the bonding treatment is an attractive alternative for those patients who do not decide to have veneers installed.
However, it is worth remembering that full prosthetic reconstruction offers long-lasting effects.

For bonding procedures, in the renowned Warsaw Dental Center clinic, the contact specialists are  Dr. Natalia Rogulska and Marcin Kopeć.

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