Many people suffer from gum diseases without even knowing it. Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is an infection that takes hold in your gums. Although gum disease is common, it can be extremely dangerous and even lead to tooth loss.
At Warsaw Dental Center, we’re here to help you treat gum diseases and lay the foundation for a healthy smile. Your gums are a crucial part of your oral health.
As periodontitis begins to develop and becomes severe, the gums start to recede. They are no longer able to adequately support the teeth, ultimately leading to tooth and bone loss in the jaw. The most important step is diagnosis, followed by appropriate treatment. Treatment may involve only professional cleaning and root planing (scaling and root planing) or may also include surgical treatment to restore lost bone.
What are the causes of periodontitis?
The most common factors contributing to periodontitis are bacterial infections on the tooth surface, often a result of inadequate oral hygiene, and genetic predispositions. Other factors that can influence the development of the disease include: disorders in the immune system, smoking, alcohol abuse, chronic stress, certain systemic diseases (e.g., hormonal disorders, diabetes, hematologic diseases), as well as dental and bite defects, improperly performed dental work, and dental prostheses.
Treatment of periodontitis requires several stages to effectively address the problem.
1. Initial assessment and professional cleaning: The first stage involves visiting a specialist to identify the causes of periodontitis. It is crucial to remove tartar and bacterial plaque. The dentist will perform professional teeth cleaning (scaling and root planing) and remove irritating factors, such as improper fillings. It may also be necessary to correct the shape of teeth in areas where a significant amount of plaque has accumulated.
2. Advanced treatment: After the initial assessment, treatment of bite problems and other dental irregularities can begin. Key factors include daily oral hygiene care and regular monitoring of the condition of teeth and gums.
3. Reversing the effects of periodontitis: The next stage involves addressing the consequences of periodontitis to rebuild damaged structures that support teeth. This can be achieved through various surgical or plastic procedures involving the mucous membrane and gums, aimed at rebuilding tissues and structures that support the teeth in place.
4. Maintenance and control: The final stage focuses on maintaining the achieved results. Regular check-ups with the dentist are crucial for monitoring the progress of the disease and determining further necessary actions. Pharmacological treatment methods, mouthwashes, and dental gels may also be recommended to support oral health maintenance.
By going through each of these stages, periodontitis can be effectively managed and optimal oral health maintained.
Maintaining oral hygiene in the case of periodontitis requires special attention and methods. The dentist along with the dental hygienist will advise on the appropriate toothbrush and brushing technique. It may be necessary to use interdental brushes and chlorhexidine mouthwashes. Consistency and consistent adherence to good hygiene practices are crucial because even short-term neglect can deepen periodontitis.
Periodontitis is a complex condition, so the cost of its treatment can vary significantly depending on the severity of the disease. Prevention is the most economical option and starts at around 500 PLN, while scaling and root planing costs from 800 PLN. More expensive procedures include bone reconstruction, starting from 3500 PLN, and treatment of gum recession, which starts from 3000 PLN. Additional procedures, such as orthodontic treatment or gum surgeries, are priced individually.
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Warsaw Dental Center Leończak Sp.k.
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