Smile transformation at Warsaw Dental Center!


Challenges are an integral part of work at Warsaw Dental Center and are particularly inspiring because they are often related to difficult patient cases.
What makes us proud are the results of these challenges, which not only make our patients regain their smile and self-confidence, but also give our doctors great satisfaction.

One of such exceptional cases is the metamorphosis we present.
Why is it particularly important to us?
Because our patient had been struggling with a smile complex for many years.
Our priority was to help her get rid of this complex and improve the quality of her life.
Multiple missing teeth forced the patient to wear a partial denture, which significantly impeded her daily functioning.

We began our treatment process with comprehensive examinations, which allowed us to precisely assess the patient’s oral health.
On this basis, our team of doctors prepared a holistic treatment plan that took into account the specializations of all our experts.

During treatment, some teeth that had previously undergone root canal treatment required re-treatment and cementation of glass fiber posts.
However, the patient decided not to use implants to replace missing teeth.
Therefore, we were able to use ceramic bridges in the jaw.
We also placed two bridges in the lateral section of the mandible, and we rebuilt the front teeth using a minimally invasive method called bonding.

We are very pleased that the results of our work satisfied our patient so much.
We believe that a new smile will change her life!

If you would like to make an appointment, you can do so:

– by phone at: 22 542 18 04

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See you at Topiel 11 in Warsaw!

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