We wanted to create a patient-friendly, cozy interior based on finishing elements that create the right atmosphere. After three months of operation of our clinic, we can see that it has been a success,” admits Dr. Urszula Leończak, co-owner of WDC.
Golden stucco, marble and wooden slabs, plush sofas and armchairs – these are the finishing elements that WDC visitors like the most. You appreciate the functionality of the interiors, but also high-quality equipment – enabling a painless, quick and effective treatment process (including scanners, milling machines, whitening lamps, microscope, modern CBCT tomograph, smile design).
“My dream was a clinic located in the center of Warsaw. When we found such a place in Powiśle, I knew it would be a hit,” adds Dr. Kupryś. “I also wanted my patients to be able to watch their favorite series and listen to music in the office. Please don’t be afraid – not everyone serves hits from their playlist. Patients can choose for themselves, although some of them share my love for Lady Gaga or Rita Ora,” he says with a smile.
“The technological division of the space into a part available to the patient and a part available only to doctors ensures very good daily functioning of the facility. Offices whose arrangement and furniture details allow doctors to work comfortably, and the contrasting textures and materials used give a very elegant and professional character to the interior,” admits architect Paulina Paczkowska from the PW – ARCHITEKCI studio, responsible for the project.
We know how important aesthetics are to you, so we are glad that you feel good in the WDC space. “Great place,” actress Grażyna Wolszczak, our patient, responds with enthusiasm. Ewa Minge calls WDC “favorite”, “mine”.
Such compliments make us most happy!
“We wanted to create an interior that is patient-friendly, cozy, and based on finishing elements that create the right atmosphere. After three months of our clinic’s operation, we can see that we have succeeded,” admits Dr. Urszula Leończak, co-owner of WDC.
“Golden stuccoes, marble and wooden panels, plus velvet couches and chairs—these finishing elements are the most liked by those visiting WDC. You appreciate the functionality of the interiors as well as high-quality equipment that allows for a painless, fast, and effective treatment process (including scanners, milling machines, whitening lamps, microscope, modern CBCT tomography, smile design).
My dream was to have a clinic located in the center of Warsaw. When we found this place in Powiśle, I knew it would be a bull’s-eye,” adds Dr. Kupryś. “I also wanted my patients to be able to watch their favorite shows and listen to music in the office. Please, don’t worry—I don’t impose my playlist hits on everyone. Patients can choose for themselves, although some of them share my love for Lady Gaga or Rita Ora,” he says with a smile.”
“The technological division of the space into an area accessible to patients and an area accessible only to doctors ensures very good daily functioning of the facility. The offices, arranged and furnished to allow doctors to work comfortably, with the contrasting textures and materials used, give a very elegant and professional character to the interior,” admits architect Paulina Paczkowska from PW – ARCHITEKCI studio, responsible for the project.
We know how important aesthetics are for you, so we are pleased that you feel comfortable in the space of WDC. “Great place,” actress Grażyna Wolszczak responds enthusiastically, our patient. Ewa Minge calls WDC “favorite,” “mine.” Such compliments make us most happy!”
Abhijit Chatterjee2025-03-23Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. I have been a patient of Warsaw Dental Center for the past two years. During this time I have had Invisalign treatment done by Dr Karolina, root canal done by Dr Urszula and implants done by Dr Bartosz. Every experience was positive. Doctors and staff speak English fluently or natively. They helped arrange and accommodate me on my multiple short visits from USA. So far I have recommended this clinic to multiple friends in USA and they have all been satisfied. I am updating this review after a year, my experience remains first class. Recommended with both thumbs up. Татьяна Чайка2025-03-12Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Хочу подякувати стоматологу Івану Дашкевичу за лікування зубів. Я приїхала з Дании по рекомендації,лікуватися у цій клініці.Іван дуже уважний,спокійний і дуже добре знає своє діло. Гарний спеціаліст. Я рекомендую цього стоматолога і клініку усім. Дякую Artur2025-03-01Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Zespół w klinice to prawdziwi profesjonaliści – doskonale zgrani, pracujący z pełnym zaangażowaniem i dbałością o każdy detal. Dzięki ich sprawnej organizacji oraz życzliwemu podejściu do pacjentów cała wizyta przebiega w komfortowej atmosferze Dawid Machnio2025-02-21Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Panie z recepcji, jak i pani doktor, są bardzo miłe i pomocne. Od samego początku opiekują się pacjentem na najwyższym poziomie i starają się pomóc jak tylko mogą. Jestem pacjentem od niedawna, ale jestem bardzo zadowolony z usług kliniki. Mogę polecić to miejsce z czystym sumieniem. Milena Pląska2025-02-10Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Zespół w klinice jest bardzo zgrany i pracuje sprawnie i profesjonalnie. Konrad Wysocki2025-02-07Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Wiem, na własnym przykładzie, że lekarzom w Warsaw Dental Center zależy na długotrwałym efekcie leczenia a nie tylko na szybkim załatwieniu sprawy i szybkim zarobku. Damian Lemiaszkiewicz2025-02-05Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Zamieniłem protezę wyjmowaną na implanty i mój komfort życia wzrósł o 100%! Już nie musze się wstydzić swojego uśmiechu. Anna Perełka2025-02-03Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google. Razem z mężem, który nie mówi po polsku przylatujemy do Warsaw Dental Center. Każdy tu mówi po angielsku, co dla nas jest bardzo ważne.Ogólna ocena Google4.8/5, na podstawie 391 opinii
Warsaw Dental Center Leończak Sp.k.
NIP: 1182180875