Does putting on braces hurt?

Newsy Warsaw Dental Center: Klinika Stomatologiczna - Warszawa

Modern techniques used in orthodontics mean that there are no age restrictions that prevent starting treatment.
However, many people still delay making this decision, fearing both pain and discomfort that may result from putting on and wearing orthodontic braces.
Among many doubts, it is worth asking a key question – how does this process actually take place and is it really painful?

Is it worth getting orthodontic braces?

Orthodontic treatment aims to eliminate malocclusion.
After its completion, the periodontium and temporomandibular joints are healthy and the teeth are straight.
Wearing orthodontic braces also eliminates other diseases that may be caused by tooth curvature, such as speech defects, facial asymmetry or frequent headaches.
Apart from aesthetic values, it is worth noting that the health aspect is also important, because a straight bite reduces the likelihood of developing caries.
Additionally, with proper tooth alignment, proper oral hygiene becomes much easier.

Nowadays, orthodontic braces are nothing to be ashamed of and have even begun to be perceived as a fashionable gadget.
The possibility of choosing the colors of the rubber bands mounted on the zippers means that it can even become a styling element.
For people who prefer more discreet solutions, the Warsaw Dental Center clinic has prepared the possibility of using fixed braces glued to the teeth, but less visible.
Additionally, you can also use modern, very discreet Invisalign overlays.
The appropriate treatment method, precisely tailored to the patients’ needs, will be indicated by a specialist after carrying out the necessary diagnostics.

During which visit is the orthodontic appliance fitted?

Putting on orthodontic braces does not take place on the first visit.
It should always be preceded by an examination of the teeth and oral cavity, radiological tests, as well as photographs and diagnostic models or a scan.

those teeth.
Only on this basis, the orthodontist prepares an individual therapy plan which he presents to the patient.

It is worth remembering that the condition of your teeth influences the decision on which visit the braces will be fitted.
If there are no contraindications, the procedure will be performed even during the second meeting.
However, if any irregularities appear during the examination, for example carious lesions, they must first be treated.

Stages of putting on an orthodontic appliance

The first stage is consultation and discussion of the action plan.
If the doctor recommends separation in the case of fixed braces, at the next visit he will place rubber bands between the side teeth (for about 7 days) to push them apart.
This will allow you to attach the camera stabilizing ring.

Does putting on braces hurt?
The entire process is not painful, but it is considered uncomfortable.
At the Warsaw Dental Center clinic, scaling and sandblasting are recommended before starting orthodontic treatment.
The visit begins with cleaning the tooth surface.
Later, the rings are cemented and then brackets are attached to the tooth surfaces, through which a wire is passed.
At the very end, the fixed appliance is adjusted to generate the appropriate pressure and cause the planned movement of the teeth.
The specialist should always explain to the patient the rules of its use and pay special attention to the need for daily oral hygiene.

Correctly performed orthodontic therapy lasts on average about 2 years.
During this time, depending on the type of device, it is very important to undergo follow-up visits during which the doctor corrects and adjusts its positioning.
When using the traditional version, patients must come to the office every 4 weeks.
However, with the Invisalign technique, less often

– once in two months.
Failure to meet the agreed deadlines may result in an extension of the bite correction period.

About the final stage, i.e. removing the apa

rescue, the doctor decides.
This is done in one visit, during which the brackets are removed, the wires or hooks are removed, and the teeth are cleaned and polished.
To make a retention plate, an impression is taken.
The last element is the use of fixed or floating retention, which is intended to consolidate the effect of the treatment.
The period and intensity of wearing it is determined by a specialist.
Recommendations regarding its use may change during follow-up visits.
This stage cannot be skipped or neglected as it is crucial to maintaining the teeth in the correct position.

How long does it take to put on braces?

Many factors influence the duration of the visit.
It depends on the experience of the orthodontist, the type of fixed appliance, but above all on the number of elements – in some cases one, and in others two dental arches are installed at the top and bottom.
The entire process takes from 45 minutes to a maximum of 1.5 hours.
If teeth cleaning is performed immediately before the procedure, i.e. removal of plaque and tartar, the visit time may be extended.
The cost of treatment depends on the type of brace chosen – for 1 arch of metal braces we will pay about PLN 1,700, while for porcelain braces about PLN 2,700.
The price also includes the cost of preparing the treatment plan, impressions and follow-up visits.

Does using braces hurt?

The first days after getting braces are particularly difficult.
Wearing it does not hurt, but it may cause various ailments.
It often appears, among others:
headache that lasts 2-3 days.
It can be relieved with painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Similar ailments may occur again after follow-up visits, during which the position of the device will be modified.
Drinking cool drinks and avoiding hard foods will help in such cases.
Discomfort, especially in the first days after installation, may also be caused by brackets that, when placed on the teeth, touch the inner side of the oral cavity.

cuts and may injure tissue.
Minor cuts should heal on their own.

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